Archive for the ‘terrarium’ Category

a little green for your indoors

June 24, 2010

If you missed me on Everyday yesterday AM heres a link to watch the clip. How to create a terrarium I’ve also included a more in-depth tutorial on how to make your own terrariums at home.

1. Pick a container

Glass works well. But any shape and size are acceptable. Lids are better for ferns or moisture loving plants. For succulents and cactus an open containers are best.  You can find these at places like Michael’s, Home Goods or even you local antique shop.

These pretty ones are from Pottery Barn

2. Creating a drainage base.

Next you want to put a layer of gravel/rocks. This you can find at any local garden store. It should be about an inch for larger containers and adjust accordingly for smaller ones.

3. Preparing and Layering in the soil.

Take potting soil and mix it with about a 1/3rd parts garden charcoal. The garden charcoal acts as a filter to pull out any impurities in the soil. Next water the soil prior to adding it to your container. Mix it with your hands to make sure it is fully saturated its messy but it’s fun! Now your are ready to add the soil to the container.  Layer in about a 1/3rd of the way up.

4. Picking an arranging the plants

There are no real rules as to what plants you should use. I’ve been experimenting with different kinds but ferns, angel vine, and moss work best and love the moisture filled environment. Cactus and succulents work well too but make sure you use a sand based potting mix as then won’t like all that H2O. Link to a list of plants here Pull the plants from their containers and break up the roots at the bottom, this will stimulate growth in their new home. Then place them in the soil and lightly pack it down.  When arranging them pick a focal plant. It should be taller than the rest and it will be the centerpiece of the container. Next layer in the lower lying plants and then a ground cover like moss works best.  The lower lying plants will help the soil retain its moisture. Vary the colors of all the plants to keep it interesting.

5. Add objects for fun.

I love to add sea shells, spotted eggs, even little plastic dinos work great for kids! Have fun with this one.

6. Maintaining your terrarium.

Water every week or so. Check the soil first to see how dried out it is. When you are adding water do so slowly so your water doesn’t go straight to the bottom.  You can even use a spray bottle and spray the sides of the glass so it drips into the soil.  Don’t put our containers into direct sunlight either the glass will “cook” the plants.

image via Design Sponge

image via ohdeedoh

image via Vivaterra

image via gardenweb

image via designers library